Reputable Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyers In Totowa, NJ Help Clients Face Municipal Court Charges In Passaic County, Hudson County, Essex County, Bergen County, And Throughout NJ
When you receive a ticket or a summons to appear in municipal court for a violation, you may not give the matter much thought. You may even be willing to accept the violation, thinking you can just pay a fine and move on with your life. However, before you make any decisions with respect to a municipal court violation, you need to speak to a defense attorney to understand your legal rights and the potential outcomes in your case. Many municipal court violations carry consequences beyond a simple fine, including driving record points or driver’s license suspensions, community service obligations, probation, or even jail time. If your municipal court violation involves a criminal offense, pleading guilty will leave you with a criminal record that can restrict your educational, employment, or housing opportunities for years to come. Our experienced New Jersey municipal court attorneys at Camili & Capo, PA can help when you’ve been cited or charged with a municipal court violation.
Having served as a Passaic County prosecution and a municipal prosecutor during his career, Krenar Camili, Esq. and his law partner Joseph Capo, Esq. can bring a thorough understanding of New Jersey criminal and municipal laws to your case. You shouldn’t have to settle with the consequences of a conviction on a municipal court violation. When you choose Camili & Capo, PA to represent you in your municipal court case, you know that you have an attorney that is prepared and willing to fight on your behalf, including all the way to trial if needed. You can rest assured that Krenar Camili will put together the best defense possible in your case.
Get Free Advice From An Experienced Municipal Court Violation Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call (973) 834-8457 or Fill Out Our Free Case Evaluation Form.
If you have been cited for a municipal violation, contact Camili & Capo, PA for a free case evaluation to discuss how a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can help you defend your rights and interests against your charges.
Types Of Cases Heard In Municipal Court

Municipal courts hear low-level cases, including motor vehicle code violations, minor criminal offenses, and violations of municipal codes and ordinances. Camili & Capo, PA can help you resolve your municipal court case arising from violations such as:
- Speeding tickets
- Parking tickets
- Moving violations
- Failing to have a driver’s license or valid motor vehicle insurance
- Driving on a suspended license
- Criminal traffic offenses, such as reckless driving or DUI/DWI
- Fish and game regulation violations
- Misdemeanor drug possession or possession of drug paraphernalia
- Misdemeanor shoplifting
- Simple assault
- Resisting arrest or eluding
- Other petty disorderly persons and disorderly persons criminal offenses
- Writing or passing bad checks
- Noise violations
- Building code violations
- Fire safety code violations
- Health and sanitation code violations
- Housing code and rent control violations
If you’re facing one of these or another municipal court violation case, let our experienced New Jersey municipal court attorneys at Camili & Capo, PA fight to protect your rights and interests and help minimize the consequences of municipal court violation convictions, such as fines, loss of driving privileges, community service, jail time, or a criminal record that can hinder your future endeavors.
- ★★★★★
Mr. Camili provided excellent service […] I highly recommend his firm.
Hatije Kazaferi - ★★★★★
Anyone who is in need of legal representation should contact Camili & Capo. This guy knows what he’s doing!
Enver Mustafoski - ★★★★★
His team has always gone above and beyond for me and my clients. I would highly recommend his firm to everyone.
Besfort Ramadani
How A Qualified New Jersey Municipal Court Attorneys From Camili & Capo, PA Can Help If You Are Facing Charges In Municipal Court
Don’t just accept a guilty verdict or finding on your municipal court violation. Camili & Capo, PA our experienced traffic ticket defense lawyers in Totowa, NJ will help you by putting together a defense strategy aimed at getting you the best possible outcome in your municipal court case. You can expect that Camili & Capo, PA will fight as hard as necessary on your behalf, including by:
- Reviewing your case to identify evidence that can be used to support your defense
- Utilizing years of prosecutorial experience to spot potential weaknesses in the case against you that can provide an opportunity for a reduction or dismissal of your charge or an acquittal in the municipal court
- Appearing in court on your behalf when possible so that you might avoid the time, expense, and stress of having to go to court in your case
- Taking your case to trial in municipal court when necessary to fight for an acquittal or dismissal of your violations or charges
Facing A Municipal Court Violation And Have Questions? We Can Help. Just Tell Us What Happened. Call (973) 834-8457 Or Fill Out Our Convenient Free Case Evaluation Form.
With Camili & Capo, PA you don’t need to settle for anything less than a favorable outcome. You’ll have a dedicated, confident trial litigator who is never afraid to fight a case all the way through trial if necessary.
Contact Or Call Our Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyers In Totowa, NJ For A Free Consultation To Discuss Your Legal Rights And Options
A conviction on seemingly minor municipal court charges can have long-lasting and unintended consequences. You deserve knowledgeable and aggressive legal representation that will help you defend your rights and interests. Contact Camili & Capo, PA for a free initial case review to learn more about how an experienced New Jersey municipal court attorneys can help you to pursue a favorable outcome to your municipal court charges.