- Most Common Christmas-Related Accidents and Injuries to Watch Out For
Sep 28, 2022
Christmas is here and by now, most households have unboxed the holiday tree and twinkling lights. You are probably wrapping up your Christmas shopping list and already secured your holiday dinner menu. Christmas is a time of celebration and tradition. It’s a time of good memories and spending quality time with family and friends. So, suffering an injury during the holiday season can put a damper on everyone’s mood and even ruin the whole season...Read More - Motorcycle Riding Safety Tips to Use This Summer
Sep 14, 2022
Many motorcyclists in New Jersey would agree that the perfect summer is a summer spent riding. There’s nothing as exciting as cruising down the freeway with the wind in your hair. While New Jersey offers great riding conditions for much of the summer months, there are also some safety risks. Stay safe while riding this summer with these safety tips: Remember There Are Fewer Motorcycles Than Vehicles On The Road Drivers should take care t...Read More - Common Injuries Sustained in a Car Accident
Aug 27, 2022
Car accidents Traumatic Brain Injuries A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is common in car accidents because of the sudden impact of the driver’s head on the dashboard or steering wheel. TBIs may be difficult to identify right away because the symptoms may seem normal following a car accident. Symptoms often include confusion, head pain, dizziness, or ringing in the ears. Whiplash Whiplash occurs when your head or neck is suddenly jolted forwards or backward. I...Read More - Common Causes of Car Accidents and Injuries During the Fall
Aug 13, 2022
Autumn in New Jersey may be beautiful, but it is also a time of year that leads to an increase in Decreased Visibility Not only do the days get shorter as we head into the fall season, but with daylight savings time, it also gets darker earlier. This can lead to decreased visibility, which can increase the risk of both driver and pedestrian accidents. Weather changes can also lead to foggy weather, further makin...Read More - New Jersey Expungement Process
Jul 27, 2022
Your criminal record shouldn’t have to follow you for life, which is the purpose of an expungement. New Jersey does allow the expungement of some criminal records but you will need to complete certain steps to receive it. Consider Working With An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer You do not necessarily need to work with a lawyer to have your record expunged, but doing so can ensure that you submit the proper documentation. This can als...Read More - Common Black Friday Shopping Injuries (and What You Can Do About Them)
Jul 13, 2022
Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, is right around the corner. A lot of stores have already published their sales, and you may be already planning your shopping trip. Black Friday can also be a common time for injuries. By reviewing these common injuries ahead of time, you can stay safe while completing your holiday shopping list. Common Black Friday Injuries Here are a few of the most common Black Friday injuries...Read More - New Jersey Slip and Fall Claim Requirements
Jun 27, 2022
A How To File A Slip And Fall Claim If you slipped and fell on someone else’s property, you may have legal rights available for compensation. This compensation can help you pay for your medical bills or lost wages. Filing a personal injury claim in New Jersey requires that you demonstrate the following: Duty of Care: Breach of Duty: Causation: Damages: Working with a Important Things To Keep In Mind In A Sli...Read More - Pedestrian Accidents Increase During the Holiday Season
Jun 13, 2022
The time between Halloween and New Year’s can be one of the busiest times of the year. Many people are constantly on the go, with shopping and celebrations filling their calendars. In addition to more events, people also spend more time on the road and out in public. This can lead to an increase in Pedestrian Accident Statistics Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that the occurrence of pedestrian accident...Read More - Car Accidents and Concussions: What Parents Need to Know if Their Child Sustains One
May 27, 2022
A What To Do Following A Car Accident With Your Child Immediate medical care should always be a priority following a car accident. However, it may be even more important when there is a child in the car. One of the biggest challenges of being in a car accident with a young child is that they may not be able to communicate pain or injuries to you. Some injuries, including a concussion, may no...Read More - Rear-Ended in New Jersey: What You Need to Know About Whiplash Claims
May 12, 2022
Being rear-ended in a What Is Whiplash? Whiplash is a type of neck injury that occurs when the head is suddenly and forcefully jerked backward and then forward, causing the neck to hyperextend and then hyperflex. This sudden movement can strain or tear the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the neck and shoulders, leading to symptoms such as: Neck pain and stiffness Shoulder pain and stiffness Headaches Dizziness Fatigue Back pain Reduced range o...Read More